The unique form of Martial Art known as MOO YEA-DO, was created by its founder, World GrandMaster Tiger Yang. GrandMaster Tiger Yang comes from a long line of accomplished martial artists. His formal training began at the tender age of six in the rugged Shu San mountains of Korea, the sight of his father's school. Using an "iron hand" approach, his father would instruct him, along with his ten blood brothers, to run through the forests and strike trees, leap over large boulders, chase rabbits and be expected to catch them. Power of the mind was increased by standing under icy waterfalls. Many times, as a disciplinary measure, GrandMaster Tiger Yang was instructed to hold buckets of water high in the air for half an hour or more.

The tough training paid off as he served his country as Lieutenant and Chief Instructor of Tae Kwon Do, to the Vietnam West Point Academy. From there he instructed the men of the 8th Division, US Army, in South Korea.

After completing his military service, he competed in and won the 1969 and 1971 heavyweight championship of the National Martial Art Championship Tournament in Japan. Later he toured places such as; Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taipei Taiwan, and Hong Kong; giving demonstrations. His career continued in Washington DC, where he taught CIA field agents martial arts.

Upon completing his assignment in Washington DC, he moved to Chicago, where over a period of seven years he operated thirteen schools of his own. GrandMaster Tiger Yang trained and coached Muhammad Ali, before and during his travels to Germany, Jamaica, the Philippines and Korea. He also accompanied Ali to Japan for the famous Ali/Inoki fight.

From 1973 to 1980, GrandMaster Tiger Yang embarked on a movie career, which included 30 films, and a Saturday TV show, for which he won, "Best Entertainer of the Year." A Hollywood career brought him back to California, where after making several movies, he began to fulfill his life dream, creating his own art form.